
Cold plasma - odour removal

Cold plasma - odour removal

Application description

Odour reduction from industrial process exhausts

We use cold plasma technology, or active oxygen or ozone, to reduce odours from process exhausts. We cooperate with the manufacturer of the technology, AEROX B.V., which is an absolute leader in its field. The odour removal technology can be installed on existing chimneys with suitable modifications. The maximum output of one Aerox B.V. module can reduce odour in a process exhaust up to an exhaust air volume of Q= 200,000 m3/h. The required purity of the exhaust air, which must be free of dust particles, is a prerequisite for the installation of the deodorisation unit. As a preliminary step before installing the cold plasma unit, we apply a wet or dry filtration system. We manufacture and supply wet filtration including waste sludge removal technology for applications with sticky or oily residual sludge or for exhausts with high humidity. The most frequent applications are in foundry technology, in the chemical industry or in the food industry. We will design, plan and implement the technology for you.

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Wet dust separation before cold plasma

We use the wet dust separation technology for process exhausts of oily, sticky or very wet media, and wherever it is not possible to use dry filter units. Wet separation is also suitable for dust removal in technologies with gas or dust explosion hazard zones. We design and manufacture wet separation technologies including sludge management. We achieve outlet gas purity in the range of 0.5 - 2 mg/m3, in the most severe cases up to 10 mg/m3 of TZL

Suché látkové filtry před studenou plazmou

Nabízíme komplexní řešení přes projekt, výrobu po realizaci

Vyrábíme suché látkové filtry včetně souvisejících periferií včetně komunikace s technologií studené plazmy. Technologii dodáváme od odsávacího přípravku až po výduchový komín. Vyrábíme a instalujeme elektrorozvaděče pro řízení celé technologie včetně monitoringu účinnosti a dálkové správy. Naše realizace zahrnují systémy suché filtrace vzduchu s využitím technologie AEROX o výkonu nad 200 000 m3/h se zbytkovém úletem TZL hluboko pod 1mg/m3.

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In today's interconnected world, it is a constant search for new markets and opportunities for growth and expansion. That's why we are reaching out to potential business partners around the world who are interested in working with us in our mutually prosperous collaboration.

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Intelligent control technology and remote management

Intelligent control technology and remote management

Monitoring and controlling the technology through remote management enhances the client's user experience.

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Technical support and expert advice

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