
Welding and grinding shop exhaust

Realisation Czech and Slovak Republic

Reference implementation of the welding and grinding shop exhaust technology using G&G Jet BAG filtration equipment of our production. In welding shop extraction applications, we guarantee a long service life of the filter media of at least 3 to 5 years of operation of the filter equipment. The filter is equipped with an intelligent regeneration control unit that saves the cost of pressurized air.


A significant reference implementation is the use of our G&G Jet BAG filtration equipment for welding and grinding shop exhaust applications. The filtration device is equipped with flat textile hoses and regenerated automatically by means of pressurized air. The design of the filter is such that the extracted air passes downwards through the filter housing. The designed flow helps to convey the separated dust towards the fill and reduces the pressure loss of the filter media. Regeneration of the filter media is controlled by an intelligent control unit that triggers regeneration only when the pressure loss increases. At low pressure losses, the filtration equipment does not regenerate and thus saves air pressure costs. As the pressure loss increases, the intensity of regeneration by means of pressure air pulses also increases.


Filtration equipment for welding and grinding shop exhaust

The G&G Jet BAG filter equipment for welding shop exhaust applications is advantageous for the operator due to its low filter media replacement costs and the long service life of the filter hoses. Non-woven flat filter hoses with a minimum weight of 500g/m2 are used as filter media. As a manufacturer, we guarantee a long service life of the filter media, at least 22,000 operating hours, for the welding shop exhaust application. In the case of extraction in the automotive industry when welding grease plates, it is necessary to include a sorbent dosing station prior to the filter classification. The sorbent dosing station ensures the dosing of the CaOH2 sorbent into the suction line upstream of the filter. This system dries the grease from the dust and increases the regenerative capacity of the filter.

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